Video Description
Elena Touroni, a private psychologist based in London, describes how the Chelsea Psychology Clinic creates a very compassionate and environment to put clients at ease when discussing their problems. Chelsea Psychology Clinic are a group of London psychologists and psychiatrists offering private psychological therapy and psychiatry treatment from their premises across central London and Chelsea. The private therapy sessions cover the following areas: – Acceptance & Commitment Therapy – Cognitive Analytic Therapy – Cognitive-behavioural Therapy – Couples Therapy – Dialectical-behaviour Therapy – Mentalisation Based Treatment – Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy – Schema Therapy
Video Transcription
We try to foster a very compassionate environment, a very calm environment. The rooms in the clinic are full of soft furnishings and very, kind of, dimly lit, so the people feel quite comfortable and at ease. But most importantly, the environment that we try to foster is the internal environment, so an environment in which people are not criticising themselves for they understand themselves and their difficulties in a very compassionate way, that they are able to find an explanation even for things that perhaps to other people might seem really strange that they do, or other people might have lots of different kind of judgments for their behaviours. We always find a way to understand how this difficulty is developed, how they might often be coping strategies for other very tough experiences they’ve had in their life so that they are empowered to find new adaptive ways of managing themselves.